The Emotion Game instructions

The Emotion Game instructions (1 min 52 s)

Added on October 5, 2017

Discover how you can have fun with your child in the world of emotions.

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The Emotion Game instructions (1 min 52 s)

Added on October 5, 2017 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information between brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Logos of Desjardins Foundation and Jasmin Roy Foundation]

Narrator: It isn’t always easy to put feelings into words. Children who learn to express what they feel and listen to how others feel will, without a doubt, become adults who will have healthy social and emotional skills.

To encourage your child to think about and properly manage their emotions without any distraction, place this game in a neutral corner of the house (not the child's bedroom or game room, but preferably the living room or kitchen table). Let the child identify their emotion and what they desire and then talk with them so that they learn to communicate emotions and determine desires that are appropriate for the situation. On the left-hand side of the board, they can put various pictograms expressing “I’m feeling,” and then on the other, various things “I’d like.”

The emotion’s effects on the body are shown on the back of the “I’m feeling” cards; the back of the “I’d like” cards explain how to put their desires into practice.

To be a positive role model for your child, you should also play the game! Since we feel emotions all day long, don’t just play the game in specific situations; make it a habit to play it even when everything’s going well.

Have fun exploring the world of emotions!

[Logos of Desjardins Foundation and Jasmin Roy Foundation]