Desjardins supports Grand défi Pierre Lavoie

Desjardins supports Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (0 min 15 s)

Added on May 31, 2019

Encouraging young people to have healthy lifestyles is also what it means to being committed to youth!

Desjardins supports Grand défi Pierre Lavoie (0 min 15 s)

Added on May 31, 2019 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

[Background music]

[We see a young boy (Noah) sitting behind the teacher’s desk in an elementary school classroom. He stands up and walks around to the front of the desk.]

Noah: Desjardins sponsors the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie to encourage young people to adopt healthy, active lifestyles. And that means…

[Noah hula hoops in the schoolyard.]

Noah: More exercise.

[Noah kicks a soccer ball in the gym.]

Noah: More soccer.

[Noah shoots a ball into a hockey net outdoors.]

Noah: More hockey.

[Closeup on Noah with a basketball under his arm in the schoolyard. He turns to go play with other children.]

Noah: More fun!

[Text on screen: We're all committed to supporting youth]

[Desjardins logo]

[Desjardins jingle]