Together, we give young people the tools they need to succeed

Together, we give young people the tools they need to succeed (1 min 41 s)

Added on October 13, 2016


The food co-op Aux goûts du monde helps newcomers in Drummondville integrate by providing the local community with access to diverse food products that are specific to their culture. Aux goûts du monde offers cooking classes, and is a grocery store and restaurant rolled into one. But more importantly, it's a place for cultural exchange and integration, made possible thanks to the support from Caisse de Drummondville and itsmembers.

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Together, we give young people the tools they need to succeed (1 min 41 s)

Added on October 13, 2016 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information enclosed in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video other than dialogue or narration.

[Text on the screen: Together, we give our children the tools to succeed.]

[Background music]

[Text on the screen: Christian Vachon, CEO, Fondation Christian Vachon]

[View of children playing in the schoolyard. View Christian walking through the aisles in a classroom. He is playful and dynamic. Christian addresses the camera.]

Christian Vachon: Who is Christian Vachon? I would say that he's a young man who didn't have an easy time at school. And by the end, he was deeply marked by it. And because of what happened, he decided to get involved in his community and start changing things.

[View of children playing basketball in the schoolyard. Some children look into the camera and smile.]

Christian Vachon: The roots of the foundation, its basis is built upon the experiences I lived through. The mission of our foundation is to support dropout prevention, to support the children and given them basic tools to really succeed at school.

[View of children in the classroom and Christian who is speaking to them.]

Christian Vachon: It's been 10 years—we've helped 65 schools in 3 school districts in the Estrie region.

[Text on the screen: Caroline Monette, principal, École Saint-Jean-de-Bosco]

[Caroline talks to the camera.]

Caroline Monette: The funds have grown and have allowed 650 students to benefit from money that was invested in extra-curricular activities or that was used so they could participate in school trips.

[View of children playing ball in the schoolyard and then going back to class. View of Christian speaking with his students.]

Caroline Monette: In other sectors, the foundation helps on a nutritional level, offering lunches to children who are in need.

[View of Caroline and Christian, from the back, walking in the school hall. The names “Roseanne,” “Beatrice” and “Felix” are written on student lockers. We see the class through the doorway. We see Christian speaking to his students, who are attentively listening to him. Christian addresses the camera.]

Christian Vachon: Our goal at the foundation is to educate people in the community that it takes a village to raise a child. When you see Desjardins contributing funds, participating in our Relay, with 2 teams, who is there with a team of volunteers at Lac Memphrémagog Relay Day—which is our biggest fundraiser…when we want to start a new initiative, and we don't have a cent, and we know that it's something important, the first place we know where to go is to visit the staff at Desjardins. Because we know that this is important to them, and we see it on a daily basis, that they are involved in the community on all sorts of levels.

[View of students applauding Christian.]

[Text on the screen: To the millions of Desjardins members, thank you.]

[Image on the screen: Desjardins logo / Cooperating in building the future]