Together, we reach out to street kids

Together, we reach out to street kids (2 min 36 s)

Added on October 13, 2016


Association pour les jeunes de la rue de Joliette reaches out to young people in the city in difficult situations and builds a relationship of trust with them. Each year, the association helps several hundreds of young people, with support from Caisse de Joliette and its members.

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Together, we reach out to street kids (2 min 36 s)

Added on October 13, 2016 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information enclosed in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video other than dialogue or narration.

[Text on the screen: Together, we can extend a hand to street kids]

[Background music]

[View of Jacynthe Thériault sitting outdoors beside a river. As she is talking, we see people walking in the streets of Joliette. We see young people talking to each other in the shadows underneath a bridge.]

Jacynthe Thériault: The association for street kids in Joliette is an organization of outreach counsellors who work directly with young people.

[Text on the screen: Jacynthe Thériault, outreach counsellor, Association pour les jeunes de la rue de Joliette]

Jacynthe Thériault: At the heart of it, the goal of the organization is to be a bridge between resources and the street. Because this is what we want: to create a bond of trust with at-risk youth. We see about 400 or 500 kids, but in terms of support and interventions, it can go as high as 1,500—1,500—a year.

[View of Amélya Gagnon sitting outdoors in a park. There's a river and a bridge behind her.]

[Text on the screen: Amélya Gagnon, former street kid, youth counsellor]

Amélya Gagnon: The first time that I met, that I actually saw Jacynthe, actually, was when I was living in a foster home, because I had left my family when I was 13 years old. And then later, I decided to contact her, because I needed help, I needed to talk to someone. So, we made a date at KFC and the rest is history.

[The 2 women walk along the riverbank underneath the bridge.]

Jacynthe Thériault: When we met, we connected immediately. It was as if she needed someone important in her life.

[View of Amélya Gagnon sitting outdoors in a park, there is a river and a bridge behind her.]

Amélya Gagno: For a long, long time, she was the only adult I trusted. I didn't have confidence in anyone, not a single adult. If she hadn't been there, I have no idea how things would have turned out. She was a role model. She continues to be a mentor for me right up until today. She is passionate about what she does and she lit that fire within me.

Jacynthe Thériault: Amélya has her life. She's the mother of one child, okay, and she is expecting a second. She works as an outreach counsellor at a street café in the same building as mine.

[View of the two women who are smiling at the camera.]

Jacynthe Thériault: She's someone who has learned from her life—and she appreciates her experience because they've made her who she is today.

[We see the women walking on the bridge. We see the same kids talking to each other in the shadows underneath the bridge.]

Jacynthe Thériault: We've been collaborating with Desjardins for 8 years. It's allowed us to have an additional outreach counsellor in Joliette. This means we can actually meet up with more young people. Surrounded by a good team as well as a caisse that supports us—it's obvious we'll stay in the street longer. Participating in their success is key.

[Text on the screen: To the millions of Desjardins members, thank you.]

[Image on the screen: Desjardins logo / Cooperating in building the future]