375th anniversary donations

375th anniversary donations (1 min 00 s)

Added on October 11, 2017


Thanks to VivaCité, Desjardins has donated $37,500 to 57 youth organizations in your community. Contributing to the well-being of Montreal's youth through 57 organizations and 19 boroughs, that's the Desjardins difference.

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375th anniversary donations (1 min 00 s)

Added on October 11, 2017

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

[Text on screen: Thanks to VivaCité, Desjardins has donated $37,500 to 57 youth organizations in your community.]

Different images of the VivaCité game.

[Text on screen: Sylvie Audet, directrice projets spéciaux, Mouvement Desjardins]

[Testimonial of Ms. Audet]

VivaCité is a playful activity that allows our youth to pass through various obstacles representing the city of Montreal and earn points that are then converted into dollars that Desjardins donates to organizations in each borough.

Different images of the VivaCité game.

[Text on screen: How did it impact the community?]

[Text on screen: Isabelle Michaud, directrice générale, Motivation-Jeunesse 16/18 inc..]

[Testimonial of Ms. Michaud]

Thanks to the money given by Desjardins, we will be able to offer first aid classes to our youth. It gives them a sense of self-confidence and a little bit more for their future and in their curriculum.

Different images of the VivaCité game.

[Text on screen: Jean-Christophe Filosa, Coordonnateur des activités familles et persévérance scolaire, Service d'aide communautaire Anjou]

[Testimonial of Mr. Filosa]

This little treasure will allow us to introduce Anjou youth to gardening so that they can discover, eat well and help their neighbours.

Different images of the VivaCité game.

[Text on screen: Virginie Irenah Cadet, Travailleuse sociale, Au cœur de l'enfance]

[Testimonial of Ms. Cadet]

In the summer, we went to Cap Saint-Jacques with our families. It was really amazing and this amount will help us continue to organize similar events.

Different images of the VivaCité game.

[Text on screen: Contributing to the well-being of Montreal's youth through 57 organizations and 19 boroughs, that's the Desjardins difference.]

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