Why insure your loan if you have a disability insurance?

Why insure your loan if you have a disability insurance? (0 min 30 s)

Added on July 23, 2021

Sometimes the disability insurance you have at work isn't enough to cover your expenses while you recover. Plan ahead by protecting your mortgage and savings with loan insurance.

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Why insure your loan if you have a disability insurance? (0 min 30 s)

Added on July 23, 2021

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Background music]

[On-screen text: Why insure your loan if you have a disability insurance?]

[A house is visible. The Desjardins chevron appears like a roof over the house, which is displayed on a tablet.]

Man: So, honey, do you think we need loan insurance?

[The man uses his finger and scrolls horizontally to a house with a "For Sale" sign in front of it.]

[The woman taps the screen to display another house for sale.]

Woman: You know … I'd feel better if we took it.

[The man taps a plus icon under the house listing. A home office image is displayed on the tablet.]

Man: But we already have disability insurance at work.

[The tablet disappears and a piggy bank is displayed on the screen.]

Woman: Yeah, but if we buy the house and then something happens to us, insurance from work won't be enough to keep up our mortgage payments.

[The piggy bank breaks open. A dollar coin rolls across the bottom of the screen and then falls in a coin slot.]

[On-screen text: Keep up your mortgage payments]

[Rain falls on a closed umbrella. The umbrella opens.]

[On-screen text: Protect your savings]

Woman: And I don't want to dip into our savings for the cottage and Theo's education.

Man: No, me neither.

[The umbrella disappears and the tablet with the "For Sale" sign is displayed again. The woman taps a heart on the listing. The "For Sale" sign flips over to display "Sold."]

Woman: Insuring our loan gives everyone peace of mind. Starting with me.

[On-screen text: Desjardins Loan Insurance: For you and those you love]

[Background music: Desjardins jingle]

[On-screen logo: Desjardins]

[On-screen text: desjardins.com/loan-insurance]

End of transcript