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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de la Chaudière > Events, news and publications > Let's come together to fight poverty

Let's come together to fight poverty

Caisse Desjardins de la Chaudière is proud to help the community through our financial support tools such as donations, sponsorships and the Community Development Fund (CDF).

2023–2024 call for projects

In October 2023, we launched a call for projects for the CDF, which included an additional $100,000 for anti-poverty initiatives.

Local youth help out

We'd like to highlight a great initiative from the maison des jeunes of Saint-Jean-Chrysostome, Charny, Saint-Nicolas, Saint-Romuald and Saint-Étienne. They worked together on the "Ados aux fourneaux" program that creates community kitchens to combat hunger and poverty in Lévis. The caisse donated $65,000 to the project.

Thank you to these inspiring young people!

If you'd like to submit a project, you can do so on our Community Involvement page.