A leisurely break for families dealing with autism

A leisurely break for families dealing with autism (1 min 41 s)

Added on April 4, 2018

Tour au Sud Adapté was created by Autisme Centre-du-Québec to give families of persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) an opportunity to have a leisurely break at Valcartier Bora Parc.

A leisurely break for families dealing with autism (1 min 41 s)

Added on April 4, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information between brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

Hello, my name is Karine Fournier. I'm a coordinator at Autisme Centre-du-Québec. Our organization raises awareness about autism and provides support to people who have Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD. Our project, called the Spectrum-Friendly Gateway, focuses on families in the Central Quebec area. We want to bring people with ASD and their families to the Bora Parc indoor water park in Valcartier. The goal is the give the whole family a chance to relax. For people with ASD, taking a vacation can be overwhelming because leaving familiar surroundings is a big challenge. However, with some simple adaptations, like providing visual cues and quiet spaces, we can make a real difference in the lives of these families.

[Text on screen: Geneviève Mercier, Olivier's mom]

My son, Olivier, is almost 12 and autistic. It's not always easy to find places to go on vacation. It takes a lot of planning. It's trial and error. If you rush through an activity, that's it, everyone has to go home. Having an environment adapted to people with autism, where things are predictable, helps us enjoy our time together and really reduces anxiety levels for kids on the spectrum. It creates a space where they can have fun, just like every other kid.

Karine Fournier: I'm really happy that the project was chosen, because now we have the money to offer families a chance to not only relax, but also create some happy memories together.

[Image on screen: Desjardins Foundation logo]